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[HackerRank] Utopian Tree
C & C++/HackerRank 2021. 11. 28. 16:34

https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/utopian-tree/problem Utopian Tree | HackerRank Predict the height of the tree after N growth cycles. www.hackerrank.com Algorithms > Implementation 나무의 성장 주기 n이 주어지면 나무의 성장 길이를 반환한다. 코드 int utopianTree(int n) { int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i

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[HackerRank] Missing Numbers
C & C++/HackerRank 2021. 11. 28. 16:07

https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/missing-numbers/problem Missing Numbers | HackerRank Find the numbers missing from a sequence given a permutation of the original sequence www.hackerrank.com Algorithms > Search 정수 배열 arr, brr가 주어지면 brr에 있지만 arr에 없는 숫자들을 찾아 배열로 반환한다. 코드 vector missingNumbers(vector arr, vector brr) { vector count(200000); vector res; for (int i = 0; i < brr.size(); i++) coun..

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[HackerRank] Sherlock and Squares
C & C++/HackerRank 2021. 11. 21. 17:07

https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/sherlock-and-squares/problem Sherlock and Squares | HackerRank Find the count of square numbers between A and B www.hackerrank.com Algorithms > Implementation 정수 a와 b가 주어지면 a와 b 사이의 제곱수의 개수를 반환한다. 코드 int squares(int a, int b) { int a_sqrt = sqrt(a), b_sqrt = sqrt(b); int count = 0; for (int i = a_sqrt; i = a && sq

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[HackerRank] Closest Numbers
C & C++/HackerRank 2021. 11. 21. 16:53

https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/closest-numbers/problem Closest Numbers | HackerRank Find the closest numbers in a list. www.hackerrank.com Algorithms > Sorting 정렬되지 않은 배열이 주어지면, 정렬한 뒤 인접한 값과의 차가 가장 작은 값들의 배열을 반환한다. 코드 vector closestNumbers(vector arr) { vector ans; sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());// 정렬 int min = arr[1] - arr[0]; for (int i = 1; i < arr.size(); i++) { int val = arr[i] - arr[i..
